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School Survival > X >
Prank Ideas
Hello and welcome, pranksters! If you try any of the pranks listed on this site, you really should come and tell us how it went on the forums here. We're always looking for a good laugh :)
Here are some funny school prank ideas:
- have your whole lunch table to go "shhhhh!!" and the people might get quiet then have one person stand up and start a slow clap. you might get in trouble. but it'll be worth it.
- when you walk into class, grab a chair in front of the teacher, take off a shoe and start smelling your foot.Then stop, look at the teacher and offer your foot to him/her.
- what you have to do, by the way its not dangerous, you buy over 1,000 bounce balls, (u can get them from ebay) and when one of your several bells ring for a break or to go to another class, you and a bunch of people throw them down hard. They will hit the ceiling and go for a while, and everyone will join in. Its so fun. My friends and I did it:)
- when the teacher leaves the room take any notes and hide them somewhere in the room then when they come back they dont know what to do all day and will have to wast time looking for it.[works best in homeroom]
- On a day you get a substitute teacher, have your whole class switch names, and if you have to read out-loud get the whole class to pretend you can't read. Like sound out every word. They get REALLY mad!
- When you have a sub take a cellphone and you or a friend ask to go to the bathroom and then take it with you. Call the school and ask to talk to the sub and say you are the teacher and you need to tell the sub something important. Tell the sub that you want to cancel the homework because you are not there to teach the class how to do it. this usually work best in biology, chemistry, or any kind of math. This usually works, but don't do it to the same sub more than 2 times or in the same class.
- Talk about your teachers life. when she trys to talk back keep interupting her saying more stuff about her life(say thier husbands or cars) and if she ingores you ans starts teaching just keep talking to her
- Whenever a teacher is done explaining a project to you, raise you hand (or better, just yell out) "BUt i dont get it!!" they'll explain it again, and just keep saying you dont get it. Then after you've done that a couple of times, ask stupid questions, things that you already know how to do by nature, that you never needed to learn. after every instruction they give say "but how do you do that???" it wastes the whole class and is a fun teacher prank :)
- when the teacher says line up pat him or her on the back and say good lesson and put a "kick me" sticky note on her back
- Tell everyone in your class to bring food on a certain day and throw a party without telling the teacher. When the ask tell him or her that you would have sent them and e-mail but you didn't have there e-mail address. It makes 'em so mad.
- all you do is in a computer class you take the keys on the keyboard because they will come out so you take them out and rearrange them so when you type it will be sayin totally different letters then you tell the teacher then he has to fix the whole thing and you will get a free class
- when u have a substitute teacher, and they write their name on the chalkboard, erase/change their name slightly so that the other students screw it up and the sub may/may not get pissed off-it causes the sub to go off topic saying MY NAME IS NOT MR CRAPHEAD ITS MR CAPWEDD!!!(depends on mood.) also try switching names with someone else.(say your name is Jerry and your friends name is Justin. now you pretend to be Justin and get the sub teacher to call you Justin for the rest of the day/vice versa...) its really funny especialy when your sub has no clue whos name is whos after a while.
- here is a prank on teachers: get up in the middle of a test and yell to him/her that you like their pants. it is hilarious to see their reaction!
- Walk your buddys to their seats and insist on talking to their teachers about a sertain "situation" that ----- seemed to be upset about(it normally wastes about 10 min. if ur good), then when the teacher insits you get to class walk up to your buddys seat and start doing the Perfect T.V. mom thing like "ok sweety now don't trade your chocolet milk for soda again, and if this emily says you look like a one ugly mother fucker again, tell her its ok that she only has 7 dads" (do this as often as possible its rather entertaining...)
- Hide under your desk like you're camping out and if your teacher notices, tell him/her "you're invited if you bring me some pillows!"
- Post signs that say 3rd hour meet in library and the class will go to the library and the teacher won't know where the whole class is
Got any more school pranks ideas? Post them in the comments! :)
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Posted in: X on May 11, 2006 @ 4:51 PM
Tags: School Pranks
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what is the funny one that is popular?
Ok this is some things you might want to do.
1.After a teacher finishes lecturing, cup your hands to your mouth and yell in ypur best Clevland Brown voice,MY BALLS ARE RED!
2.(for african americans only) ask 2 go 2 da toilet, if the teacha seys no, the nex day bring in a copy of the book of black rights. tell them to read the appropriate section.
3. scream ASS
4.sing the bear we t over the mountain.
5.if you have an after school activity, steal all the food in the teachers' room.
6.make a bull-horn go off in the middle of class.
and this one is the best one ever!
7.come in one day with a kick ball under your shirt. in class, scream "my fu**ing water is breaking!"(point to your teacher)"U bastard! U did this to me" it doesnt matter if da teacha is male or female or which one U R. its funny as SHIT!
Heres some more stuff.
1.In math class, ask your teacher the appropriate masturbation tecnices
2.On the bus, hold up a sign pointing to the kid a row ahead of you. sing must say, 'Honk if I give you a boner.'
at my school the principal gives a speech during lunch. during tthe speech I got up and yelled, YAY MOMMY PACKED ME A PORNO!
Drop a quarter in the middle of a crowded hallway and then bend over to pick it up bumping into as many people as you can with you bottom. then get up and demand why they were touching you there.
Sit right at the back of the class. When the teacher isn't looking, slowly inch backwards until you are all squished up at the back.
if your in the middle of work that requires silence , shout random crap like cheesy pasta or pickles , something tottaly random , it cracks the clas up , and the teacher goes mad , its been tested one to many times in my classes
alright most of theese arent what the normal kid will do to be funny but for your normal kids a funny joke.. ok depending on the rules with phones at your school it might not be as funny but if you cant have phones in class find a teacher thats kinda cool and wont get you in Huge trouble but in the middle of class get somebody to call you and answer in the middle of her/his lecture and start talking about something then be like dude i got to go im in math/english w/e then hang up and just start taking notes agian.. its halarious
I refused school after 9th...hated it. Prank: open teachers drawer, and pee into it...hide paperwork on desk...unscrew light bulbs just enough so their out, they'll think the breakers are tripped...glue tables, chairs to floor...unscrew furniture...undo plumbing...sabotage intercoms....write curse words backwards on board....spread rumors...flush towels down....write on floors...rip down bulletins, put up your own...jam keyhole on teacher lounge/ RR's...get a cat, let it pee on furniture...if can reach sat. antenna, dissconnect it...pour salt on lawn...USE imagination, hope I was a help...
these have some cool ideas
their kind of safe too
i tried one of these pranks
BOY did i get populer in ma school(almost expelled..YIKES!!!!)
1.In the middle of a test when the class is silent say "Hello?" like yOur on the phone
2.throw gum at teacher
3.When given a test or exam tell the teach " what the hell is this
4.in class sit down in one seat and put ur stuff in every empty seat in classroom and when they ask who's it is say your friends name
5.When in class say c'mon no good bell really loud
6.say shabby for a whole period till teacher gets pissed
Ok ppl tht hav headphone sweaters put in ur ear plugs and act like ur listening 2 music I always get my teaches with tht and everyday it gets better and better
in the middle of clss draw a picture and go up to the teacher and give it to him or her and if they dont apreciate it then start to cry. it is hilarious this kid im my class does it all the tiome is is awesome
in the begining of class when everybody sits down and the teacher is in the clasroom, play duck duck goose with the whole classroom and go around like twice then say goose when you get to the teacher then just run out of the classroom and if him or her doesnt follow you then come back in ten minutes and act like your out of breat and ask why they didnt follow you. it is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If an airplane flies over the school shout something like ,,The German's are coming! and lie underneath your desk ;D
Ones my brother wore a ski mask to school, it was freezing out. He then set his backpack in the seat next to him, and put the skimask on the top. He put his jacket around it and flipped up the hood so it looked like a sleeping person
Take an egg and crack it in someone's locker/ a teachers desk. It will start to stink really bad.
I did this one myself and It was amazing! U ser, all U habe to do IS yo go and write two random letters un the back of a chair and puta them inside a heart. Then, tell to someone "U know who they are?" It will start an open discussion!
Sorry por the bad grammar, my keyboard is in spanish and the automatic corrector chances the words