Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.
WANETTE, Oklahoma -- A Wanette High School junior said she was suspended last week for wearing a bracelet that said "I (heart) boobies."
Ashley Willis said she was wearing the bracelet to raise awareness for breast cancer. Her grandmother was a breast cancer survivor.
Willis said she was told...
Source (http://www.fox10tv.com/dpp/news/local_news/mobile_county/student-arrested-for-facebook-burn-page)
MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) - The Mobile County Sheriff's office arrested a Mary G. Montgomery student after he created a Facebook page that harassed fellow students.
The Facebook page,...
By Brent Snavely
Detroit Free Press
Ford is planning to give parents even more power over teenagers with technology that can block out explicit satellite radio channels such as Howard Stern and Playboy Radio.
The new feature will debut this year as standard equipment on the Ford Taurus and...
By Kristin Rushowy and Amy Dempsey Drug use, vandalism and swearing at a teacher are the kinds of things that can get a student suspended from school. But Emil Cohen was kicked out of Northern Secondary — for a day and a half — for speaking his mind after being told not to. Mind you, […]
The Supreme Court will hear the State of California vs. the Video Software Dealers Association and Entertainment Software Association on November 2nd. Anti-censorship groups like the Video Game Voters Network have made their voices heard through various creative campaigns throughout the long running case. One organization fighting this law, the National Youth Rights Association, will […]
ROCKLIN, CA - A Rocklin High School sophomore faces disciplinary action for wearing a controversial bracelet that proclaims "I heart boobies," then refusing to turn it over to school officials. Hunter Cooper, 15, said he wore the bracelet since the first day of school. For five months before that, he had the pink survivor bracelet […]
Do you "like" Facebook? But really, do you "like like" Facebook? A new lawsuit filed may soon end adolescents ability to "Like" things online. How will the teens ever survive without "Like," a word so crucial to their vernacular and awkward flirting habits? The suit, filed today in Los Angeles County Court, accuses Facebook of […]
From NYRA: Schwarzenegger v Gamers - Help Us Fight Back Arnold is trying to take away your games. Don’t let him. California passed a law that would ban the sale of all “violent” video games to individuals under 18. The case of whether or not this law is Constitutional is going before the US Supreme […]
A proposed change to federal regulations designed to help parents control the information websites collect from their children is stirring a national debate about how much free speech and privacy American teenagers should have on the Internet. For 10 years, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has required websites aimed at children under 13 […]
The Tattler is the school newspaper at Ithaca High School in New York. It has over a hundred year history and is student staffed and written. A faculty adviser is assigned to the students who oversees publication and has the authority to censor inappropriate or offensive material. In 2004, there were two occasions where the […]
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