School Survival

Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.

Take Action

by Badlands17

They’re just like other people
But now, they’re the steeple
Of a tower of arbitrary hate
Of “you’re just going to have to wait”
The amount of time you are on this Earth
Does not indicate your intellect and worth
Young man; don’t wait
Fight the fight; set things straight
If you believe in yourself
You can fight the ice shelf
It’s projecting out to you
And saying “this is what you have to do”
Fight back; say “You don’t control my life
The opportunities are rife
Rife without you
I want to be through”
But then you remember
You are simply a stray ember
In the big fire they’re burning you in

Written by: Badlands17
13 February 2006

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Posted by:
Erik Demeter
(erikdemeter AT yahoo DOT com )

29 March 2012
I hate it when people use just my age instead of an actual argument, very annoying. Nice poem

Posted by:
Erik Demeter
(erikdemeter AT yahoo DOT com )

29 March 2012
I hate it when people use just my age instead of an actual argument, very annoying. Nice poem

Posted by:
(dethmetallvoa AT gmail DOT com )

30 April 2010
i agree with hiddenflame

Posted by:

5 July 2009
I agree. Age doesn't matter that much, so why do adults try to use it against us?

Posted by:
(kmissypink3 AT aol DOT com )

30 November 2008
great poem. i try to stand up and defend my individuality...but i just get demerits. T_T i hate school.

Posted by:
(paperfinger AT hotmail DOT com )

2 November 2007
this is so great next time some one tells me that I am not old enough to do something I will fight back!


Posted by:
Neil Castleberry
17 June 2007
Awsome ideas! I hate when adults try to use age, or some other crap as justification for ordering around kids and teens alike without showing any respect while still demanding it at the same time. Not automatically "obeying" someone doesn't make anybody a rebel, it means that they are just as respectible as anyone else no matter what clique, race, or religion you belong to and you demand the respect you rightfully deserve. Keep up the ideas, don't let anyone call you a "punk", "poser", "non-conformist", or anything 'cause those are names people are called by those who be-little them and someone as original as you, and someone who actually uses their brain as much as you doesn't gotta take crap from anybody. P.S.> My e-mail address is fake 'cause I use it to visit sites anonymously so if you want to respond to this thought you could always call (439-5182) area code is(716). Or you could visit my fake myspace as "Alfred Chesterfield"(Batman's butler).

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