Source: You don't legally have to go to school. - YouTube School should really teach you this. Looking at the law, it shows you don't have to go to school - in fact, there are a hell of a lot of alternative options available. ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Tumblr: ► Music: […]
Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.
You don't legally have to go to school
They Dream of School, and None of the Dreams Are Good
In this survey, 128 adults described their recurring dreams of being in school. by Peter Gray Dreams of being in school are common among adults of all ages. In fact, in dream surveys, being in school typically ranks among the top five dream categories in frequency, even among adults who have been out of school […]
Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education | Psychology Today
Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education | Psychology Today. In my last post I took a step that, I must admit, made me feel uncomfortable. I said, several times: "School is prison." I felt uncomfortable saying that because school is so much a part of my life and the lives of almost everyone […]
How "Low Self Esteem" Labeling Hurt One Student's Confidence
by The Beta Female For most of my life, I have been accused having low self esteem. Throughout childhood and adolescence, friends frequently implored, "Geez, why do you cut yourself down so much?" I believed them, and worked tirelessly to improve my self esteem to seemingly no end. Only recently did I decide that I […]
Another former teacher agrees with School Survival
Fred posted this as a response to the "Why do I hate school?" post on the SS blog: As a former teacher I have to say that everything in this article is correct. That's pretty much why I'm not doing it anymore. I decided to teach after getting laid off from a job. I thought […]
Invading the privacy of young people makes them less safe
Point/counterpoint: Alex Koroknay-Palicz on parental surveillance Privacy is not a luxury. Nor is it a threat to safety. Ten years ago America was attacked in a shockingly brutal and violent way. Thousands of innocent people died and millions more feared for their safety. Pledging to protect us from terrorists, the government passed the Patriot Act, […]
Why we don't punish our son. Ever.
No time-outs, no yelling, no spanking, no taking away toys. When contributor Jillian Lauren's son acts up, she treats him with 'empathy and respect.' How does it work?
By Jillian Lauren, TODAY Moms contributor
My husband and I have tattoos from our toenails to our eyeballs. We still sleep in...
Some Misconceptions About Unschooling
An opinion from a Newsvine article By TheF###Princess Unschooling can be a very controversial topic to discuss. But as with all topics, if you are unfamiliar with the subject, it needs to be explained. In short, unschooling is child-led homeschooling. But this deffenition does not always explain enough, though. Grown unschool blogger Idzie Desmariais describes […]
What World of Warcraft taught me about Education
by Don Elwell, Ph.D. Director, Greylight Theatre This article was prompted by three significant experiences: ones that have really rewritten how I feel as an educator about what we’re doing. The first, as he title suggests, was getting sucked into playing World of Warcraft online. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an inveterate nerd, and did the […]
How I Failed Myself... and All of You
I Failed Myself… and All of You by “Argon” John “Get busy, John,” said the teacher. John glared at his test booklet and refused to move. A look of annoyance was beginning to form on the teacher’s face. “John!” she said. “Do your test!” “I don’t want to,” he said. She grimaced. “Well,” she said. […]
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