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16 Year Old Accuses Mom of Facebook Slander

The mother of a 16-year-old boy said she shut him out of his Facebook account after reading he had driven home at 95 mph one night because he was mad at a girl. His response: a harassment complaint at the local courthouse.

"If I'm found guilty on this it is going to be open season" on parents, Denise New, the mother, said Wednesday.

New, of Arkadelphia, Ark., said many of her son's postings didn't reflect well on him, so after he failed to log off the social networking site one day last month, she posted her own items on his account and changed his password to keep him from using it again.

"The things he was posting in Facebook would make any decent parent's eyes pop out and his jaw drop," Denise New said. "He had been warned before about things he had been posting."

Lane New, who lives with his grandmother, filed a complaint with prosecutors who approved a harassment charge March 26. His mother said she was doing what any good parent would do.

"Just because I don't have custody doesn't mean I don't care about him," Denise New said.

Neither New would say Wednesday which items on his Facebook site the boy had found slanderous.

"I probably made maybe three, maybe four actual postings — the rest of it was a conversation between my son, me and his personal friends," Denise New said.

In his handwritten complaint to prosecutors, Lane New wrote "Denise first hacked my Facebook and changed my password. She also changed the password to my e-mail so I could not change it. She posted things that involve slander and personal facts about my life."

Denise New acknowledged changing both passwords to keep her son from getting access to his Facebook page. She denied hacking into the account.

"He left it logged in on my computer," she said. "It's not like I stole his laptop."

Denise New said the boy had written on his Facebook page that he had gone to Hot Springs one night and drove 95 mph on the way home because he was upset with a girl. Several other posts on his site also bothered her, but she refused to elaborate.

She said he has since opened a new Facebook account.

Prosecutor Todd Turner declined to comment on the case because the boy is a minor.

Denise New said Lane moved in with his grandmother about five years ago, after she went through a difficult divorce, was having mental health problems and didn't feel she could provide her son with the supervision he needed.

She faces a hearing on the misdemeanor at the Clark County Courthouse on May 12.


Where to next? Pick one!

Posted in: News on April 20, 2010 @ 7:14 PM

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