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Depression and Suicide
What Should I Do If I Am Considering Suicide?
Demonic Pyro
If you think about suicide, and are actually willing to do it… Don't, for the simple fact that you could instead run away. With running away if you wanted to then you could go back home instead of being… dead.
2/3 of the people that jumped off a bridge and survived said that on the way down they realized all their life problems are fixable.
yeah, what they say about it being a “permenant solution to a temporary problem” is usually true. and even if it is a big problem, what is suicide supposed to accomplish? if something is damaging your life, why do something that will damage it even more? if something breaks you try at least try to fix it before you just throw it away.
Don't ever give up on the idea that your life might actually improve. The first 13 years of mine pretty much sucked in general (could have been worse though, I'm sure). But I never gave up because I knew it would get better. And now life is good. So good it was even worth going through the first 13 crappy years, because they helped make me who I am today.
If you want to kill yourself, you obviously hate your life. If you hate your life, you probably realize something that other people haven't. For example, as you are reading this site, you have probably realized that school is stupid and that everyone expects everyone to lie about everything and that nobody really cares about you. You want to kill yourself because you realize that your society is stupid. If you kill yourself, society has succeeded in suppressing your dangerous thoughts.
Happy Camper
Suicide is not an enlightened act. It's not noble, it doesn't make you superior, and it's not romantic. It's delusional and short-sighted. It's also incredibly selfish. There's no easy way to do it and you're not guaranteed success.
The main reason I didn't commit suicide, apart from feeling selfish for even thinking about putting that on my Mom, is that there was no guarantee it would be successful. I'm not all that afraid of death. I'm not even that scared of becoming physically handicapped or having to roll around in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I'm scared to death I'll somehow suffer brain damage and not be able to think. If I tried to overdose, chances are I would fry my neurons and live. If I tried jumping off a roof or crashing a car, something could happen to my beloved brain and thought process. Then I might not be able to even try again depending on the damage done.
So yeah…scary things happen. Worse than death.
If you take the clean and silent way and decide to overdose on pills, think of what happens. Yes you die, but before that a poison spreads through you. The anti-life, an abomination, destroying you. You may not feel anything but it would be there, silent and hidden. Flowing through your bloodstream, around your bones, into your muscles, within the heart. It would seep into the crevices of your brain and drip onto every neuron and piece of grey matter. Like a snake or a rat it would burrow into your very being. Yes you die, but before that your blood will turn black and your body will be torn asunder.
I once tried to kill myself in fourth grade. Fortunetly, I just ate tomatoe leaves, which are, in a large enough quantity, lethal, but I thought one or two would off me. I didn't tell my parents, even though I was scared. Since school started, I have been much more suicidal, these episodes occuring about every week, sometimes more. But I have learned how to cope (in a less-than-productive way, I might add), but I am still alive. Usually, I just depend on my anti-depressents and friends to make me feel better, but living with depression from a young age is hard to escape.
My advice to anyone feeling like they have no other option is this: You are loved Even if you don't feel it, most of your families would be devistated if you chose to end your life, and would forever wondered what they could have done to prevent your death.
Remember that the peace of death will eventually come for you. That no matter how much shit you go through, you have the same peaceful reward at the end. So why end it now? Why not wait to see where life takes you? You have an eternity of peace once you're gone, but you only have a limited time here. No need to advance it.
I personally find that it helps to go out in nature. Take a break from everything, find a peaceful place to go and stay there for a few hours. Sometimes when your mind is racing all it needs is a break, and it will give you time to cool down and decide if you really want to live or not.
And also think about how unfair it would be for you to have to kill yourself because of the world around you. Every little thing in nature has a butterfly effect, you're worth something and you need to know it.
Captain Ahab
Want a permanent solution to temporary problems?
Don't commit suicide. Drop out of society. Become a dumpster diver and live off welfare, but don't commit suicide.
Fuck this system. People have been mentally scarred, told they have limits in life beyond natural law. Well, fuck limits. If you want to do something, do it because you want to do it, not because you want to make money, and if you dont want to work, you dont have to. Just drop out.
this is something that everyone hears in their lifetime, but no one pays much attention to it. this is one of the best pieces of advice you can get (maybe not homelessness, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but doing what you love regardless of everything else)
As I wrote those thoughts years ago, I might add this:
There's also another way to drop out of the system, and that is the inner life as some would call it. It is becoming the silent observer of your own thoughts and deeds, not being the judge but being a lurker in a way. It is a form of self-discipline (not a pretty sounding idea, is it?) that can be explored through meditation, writing, reading, and observing silence for a little bit of time every day. It is about acheiving the balance of tension and relaxation and reaching a point of stillness inside your brain to allow it to function better.
One way you can do this is live in the moment. Notice the beauty of nature. Pay attention to the fine details of a tree, even if you do not know the words to describe every thing going on with the tree. If you are stuck in a waiting game, see it as an opportunity to become more aware, to observe your thoughts.
This is a concept not nessecarily easy to explain, it is best off by doing. But it has helped me a long way in my depression.
achieve happiness, fuck the rest.
oh and i heard somewhere that one can only really start living when one has seriously considered suicide. when you realize that life is just for fun and has no real point, then and only then can you truly live without letting things get in the way.
Psychoqueen Live in the moment for yourself, not other people. It gets easier if you can get past the idea that life is all about materialism and just live doing the things that you want to do. Find something that makes you happy and run with it.
How Can I Deal With Depression?
How could there NOT be depression if we are BOMBARDED everyday by commercials, advertising, marketing, pretty boys, etc. that tell us we are ugly, fat, pimply, nasty and unattractive? They brainwash good-looking people into believing we are outcasts and should be looked down upon - especially since there HAS to be treatment out there that works, right?
I think the whole structure of society causes depression. We aren't working for survival anymore. We aren't under threat. The more technology we have the more isolated we have become. No real incentives for anything anymore. Everything is flashy and material. Material possessions corrupt and lead us down a dark path. It's like playing a video game called Life. After a while, you get used to it and it's not fun anymore… it starts to get boring and suck. The catch is, you can't get out of it because sometimes it is fun and it hooks you in. The graphics, sounds and immersion are pretty cool and some of the people are cool. But it starts to suck, and you get sad all the time. Like a lot here probably, I feel alone in the world - without anyone there to guide me along. I'm lost in the game, no cheats, and I'm apathetic to even playing it. That's where drugs come in.
If you want the answer to depression, look to where depression is non-existent. Tribal societies, it's how we were meant to live. At least they have a purpose to what they do and goals and an outreach with eachother. I have no goals, no purpose, no outreach or community and no desire to play a capitalist game of material worth where I learn nothing substantial for living and am judged worthy or not based on how much money I own, how hot I am, and how big my dick is.
Another thing that can help with depression is drawing or sketching what's bothering you, or how you'd like things to be. This is actually done as “art therapy” but you can just do it on your own.
I remember when I was pretty depressed when I was 18… I wasn't sad or anything, but I had incredibly low energy and I slept a ton. That was after I transferred to a new college, and I was really disappointed in my classes, and totally not motivated to do my homework or go to class. Eventually I decided that if I wasn't going to get the work done and go to class anyway, I should do something with my time rather than sleeping and basically hiding from my “responsibility.” So I started spending a lot of time researching options online, and eventually I wrote a lengthy email to my parents denouncing my classes and stating that I was going to quit, take CLEP exams, and get a job. I felt incredible when I was writing and when I sent off that email. For months previous to that, I felt increasingly bad about things, but when I researched my options and sent that email, I felt very empowered.
Also during that time, I googled depression (I think google had just started about then), and I found a simple guide that suggested “have fun.” And that was good advice, because I think I was really failing to do that, along with failing to do what I was “supposed to do” (school.)
In the guide, it might be worth making the point that some solutions to depression, like listening to music or having fun generally, help in most cases, but that it's also worth examining what exactly the problem or trigger is, and how that can be specifically addressed.
It's hard for me to to tell if I'm depressed, or just so used to the bullshit of the world. I'm not very social, I'm fine on just getting by with a few good friends - and I'm content that way. At the same time though, I always feel like something's missing. School doesn't help at all. Especially in the days leading up to the first day - you know your going to have another year of hell where every morning is the same and you don't want to be there at all. You know your going to be tired and people are going to piss you off. Other things piss me off too - just seeing these fake people in school - the people who feel like they have to do everything they can just to fit in. The people who brag about “getting so wasted last weekend”. Life's a shit sandwich and every day you take a bite.
I've probably been thinking about this exact thing for at least a year, and I think I have answered it. I am depressed when the following is true:
I know that I am right about something.
I know that another person is wrong about something.
I need to convince the other person that I am right about this thing.
I know that it is impossible for me to convince the other person that I am right. Generally this is because he won't consider that he is wrong and/or that I am right.
Because the problem is that I must convince another person that I am right, I realize that there is some false restriction being placed on me and, sometimes, that things would be a lot more efficient and have more of a purpose if I could just kill this person.
In some cases, the person could be influenced more by someone else than by me. The following example isn't about depression, but it explains this phenomenon, I first learned about Linux when an old guy at CompUSA told me about it about seven years ago. After that, I didn't hear about it until about two and a half years ago, when my cousin started using it. Unlike most Windoze users, I tried Linux because I had heard about it from two completely unrelated people, so I didn't assume that it was just some stupid thing that my cousin was coming up with or that it was just a phase that teenagers were going through.
I only get depressed when I really need to deal with the person.
I have to go to school. I dislike school for the same reasons you do. My parents believe that I need to go to school and will not hear any arguments that it is inefficient.
A person or group of people regularly stolel my schoolwork. This was a problem because I was afraid of missing assignments. I realized that this is a problem, and it became especially clear when people stole my bag before class so that I didn't record my homework during class and forgot to do it the next day. I knew from experience that I wouldn't be able to get teachers or administration to do anything about this.
Before I read about how to deal with people who try to be mean and annoying, I would often feel the need to defend myself against stupid criticism. When this came from a parent or a teacher, it was hard to avoid. I would always know that the criticism was stupid, but I'd also know that the parent or teacher would act like she didn't understand me or would scream at me more if I explained how the criticism didn't make sense.
EDIT: I've thought about this a bit more since I first posted it. I've realized that the first two bullets need to be interpreted loosely for this definition to apply and that they sometimes may even need to be ignored. Unfortunately, I don't remember right now any examples of why I have to make these changes. Also, I don't think this definiton will work for similar feelings, like guilt and anger. Pay attention to what you're actually feeling if you choose to test my theory on yourself.
Happy Camper
I think I'm too socially conscience for my own good. You look and the world and see all the shit that goes on, I think it's impossible to not get depressed. And ironically if you're happy when you look at it there's something wrong with you. (Not the world in general, but all the stuff that needs to be fixed. I have had moments where how intricate creation is, alone, makes me happy.) And so when I look at the world I don't settle for it and I want to go around and fix everything. Now this is where the problem comes in. I'm seventeen years old and without a driver's license. With the hole I've dug myself there's a chance I might not graduate which just makes me feel worse because I have the highest standarized test scores in the district. But then this is where school enters the picture. It's a whole shitload of busy-work nowadays. Some subjects are useful and I'm not completely anti-homework. I like class discussions and interesting essay questions. (I got one where I had to anaylze shifting paradigms between three decades. I so went to town with it, it was so much fun.) But the majority of school isn't interesting. It's worksheets and multiple choice and reading and reviewing. It goes so slow but then the end product isn't satisfying. I've absorbed something maybe but it wasn't a subject that interested me. Or worse, I knew it for the test and then it completely left my mind. And what's the end product? What have I accomplished? Absolutely zip.
Teen life feels so unfullfilling and without purpose. I've tried to wrestle into a couple of things where I might be able to make a difference (trips to Africa and Mexico to help kids with AIDS), talking my friends out of suicide, and helping my single Mom cope with life. But stuff beyond that is sort of hard to access as a kid. And it leaves me unsatisfied and not feeling good about myself.
Without a doubt, the times I feel best are times I'm volunteering. Whether it's chisseling grease off of pots and pans down at a camp (a personal favorite of mine) or painting or recycling or building props for the community theatre (I love working with my hands and getting into construction). First off, it's fun. Secondly, I see a product at the end. I get a feeling of accomplishment. And I get the satisfaction of little kids coming up to me and thanking me. Did I mention that prop construction and washing pans is almost therepeutic in itself?
Then there's minor stuff. Seeing my other depressed friends happy for once. Cheering people up. Playing with animals is a big one for me. They brought us therapy dogs in the psych ward at the hospital. So a highlight of my time there along with making bracelets for people and bitching at the staff to stop getting into power-struggles with the patients. And you know…I got a similar vibe from a couple people in the hospital. We discussed things like these questions and a great deal of teens said, “I'm frusterated with not being able to give anything back.” Which was a great comfort because I thought it was just me up to that point.
I mean yeah, I've been molested I've had friends commit suicide, lost a Dad to cancer, moved three times. I'm sure that all contributes to my depression but I have a feeling that it's the lacking purpose bit that really pushes me over the edge.
I've been stuck on a number of medications (epilepsy, depression, acne, insomnia). And I know this argument it sort of abused but medication, in most cases of depression, is meant to act as a sort of crutch. If you break your leg and get in a tough spot for months, physical therapy is going to take the healing process and make it not only more painful, but a great deal longer. And you have the potential of hurting yourself more than making you better. But then a crutch comes into play and it's a temporary solution to get you up again.
Is the crutch meant to heal you? No. But it's considered a pretty essential part of the healing process.
A few weeks ago I had a lot of stuff bugging me, and I couldn't think of a solution (my mind was going in loops). eventually I just wrote it all down, just random thoughts as they came into my head. afterwards I read it again, and the solution was suddenly so clear to me. writing stuff down helps a lot!
Agro & SoulRiser
When I'm upset/angry I also like to take it out on games. even just to take the “edge” off it, then afterwards I can think more clearly. music also helps, especially if i listen to music WHILE playing games.
Music always makes me feel better. It's the best kind of medicine..
First of all what you're feeling doesn't mean you're an attention getter or emotionally disturbed. You're feelings are real, legitimate, and you know what's causing them which is positive. Secondly, have you let your parents know that you're feeling emotionally cornered, afraid of diappointing them? I, myself, as a parent feel emotionally cormered at times too. A lot of adults have been so programmed also to do the “norm”, not to disappoint “the system” , that they don't even realize it and if they do they don't know how to get out. If you haven't already or if you have the kind of parents who will talk, tell them everything you did in your post and they should clearly see you're not messed up. If they won't talk ultimately you need to do what is best for you and your sanity.
Don't sell yourself short as some “crazy” teen. What you're feeling are legitimate feelings. Please don't hurt yourself!!!!!! Try to talk to anyone that will listen (parent, friend, relative, counselor, anyone!!!!) Don't give up.
I too think that along with stating what makes one depressed, stating what helps is paramount.
For me when I get down or depressed I think of my kids and grandkids, I think of the love and joy that comes from being around them. I also like to take nature walks to see what beauty there is (what mankind has not destroyed). I listen to music and I talk to my best friend, my husband, and other really close friends because often they can make suggestions that I haven't thought of. Writing is a great outlet and through it often ideas to improve a situation come about.
You may have heard people talk about chemical imbalances in the brain that occur in depression, suggesting that depression is a medical illness, without psychological causes. However, all psychological problems have some physical manifestations, and all physical illnesses have psychological components as well. In fact, the chemical imbalances that occur during depression usually disappear when you complete psychotherapy for depression, without taking any medications to correct the imbalance. This suggests that the imbalance is the body's physical response to psychological depression, rather than the other way around.
Sugar Nuts
I have been thinking a lot lately about what exactly is the cause of depression. Does it really exist? The other day i was reading the newspaper and came past some animal rights article about how pigs were farmed in “horrid” conditions, kept in tiny little “cells” so small they couldn't even turn around to sniff their asses, and fed i can't believe its not food. Living under such conditions the pigs developed all kinds of diseases, one of them being, you guessed it, depression. So, you put a little piglet in a little holding cage and never let it out, feed it crap, and never let it socialize with its own kind, and the pig gets depression (shortly before turning into delicious bacon). That's how pigs get depression. So how can we take the pig example and apply it to humans? Easy. You take a little humanoid and you put it in a little cage, you feed it all kinds of crap and never let it socialize with its own kind.
If you look at humans in a pure Darwinistic sense you will see that by nature we are, hunters, gatherers, tribal, territorial, and driven by very strong desire to mate. Now take a human and put it in a classroom, office, supermarket checkout, all day long keep it in a little cage. Then send it home to another little cage, apartment, broken home, mummy and daddy don't get along. Feed it food out of cardboard boxes, paper wrappings and plastic sealed bags. Sit it in front of a television watching bullshit TV shows or put it in front of a computer so it can jack off to anime porn. Do this and your human will develop all kinds of diseases, one of them being, you guessed it, depression.
These animal rights freaks took time out of their ever so important existence to tell the world all about pig injustice. What about human injustice? Society is a 2 by 4 foot cell so small I can't even turn around to sniff my ass. And then I wonder why I'm so sad…
I was really fucking depressed. Suicidal, anxiety attacks, binge eating, and not an alcoholic but I was certainly getting there. Although I will say the use of drugs was a strong spiritual influence on my current religious beliefs today, to really realize my problems I had to tear myself apart on my own, not with a therapist, not at some addict meeting, and not with my parents. It was a beast, but I believe I've conquered it.
I've always been a weird kid, since I was little. When I was a four, I would write TV Guides consisting of B-Movies (Godzilla, Frankenstein, etc.) When I was seven, I was writing a series of short stories about a Cat monster whos killed by a dog monster in various ways, including choking on a noodle and just the weirdest shit. But my friends accepted me for who I was. I was a weird kid, and they were cool with me because I was funny. However, after moving to Texas and having to make new friends, people rejected me and thought of me as weird. I started to just hate people in general. I went from being weird but articulate to weird and a mumbling idiot. This didn't affect my writing, but I went from being skinny to fat, from happy to angry, and motivated to apathetic. I really shut down some aspects of me and confined myself to my computer screen, where I would create a fake version of myself to avoid real life.
When eighth grade came along, I got mono, and was confined to my room sick most of the time. During then, I started drinking. Once high school started in 05, I started to slide by a lot more, barely passing my classes. The year passed through, and I felt mediocre. I entered the tenth grade with the prospect that this would be the moment, the grade of my life. None of it was true. Eventually, In December 2006, I started to lose touch with everyone and began a whole suicidal deal. I was taken to a therapist and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. They tried putting me on zoloft, but that didn't work. There were days I wouldn't show up because I just didn't want to wake up. I got in trouble with truancy, and had to make a long explanation to my parents.
It was also around this time that I started to realize I hated my friends, but I became dependent on these so called people, giving them upwards of five hundred dollars in one month just because I wanted to not feel lonely. This only made me feel more lonely, and I decided I had to do something with my life. I identified my problems, and I began to understand myself in such a new extent I felt welcome again. I no longer wanted alcohol. I no longer wanted to pig out and binge on junk food. I realized that life is what I make of it, and I started to take action. I began being honest with myself and to other people. I started to standup for myself, and I found new spirituality. Since then, I've lost over twenty pounds, I now have friends who like me for who I am, and I feel at peace because I'm no longer bottling up my anger. I still have some problems (it doesn't just go away 100% because of a period of self realization), and theres obviously the boring, mundane stuff to go through, but I feel a lot better.
That's all I really have to say. If theres any advice I have, it's this: If you're depressed, the key I found is persistence. You may not be in a good situation right now, but if you can at least maintain being yourself as an individual without caving into the bullshit of the mainstream, and you know you aren't caving in to it, Then fighting the scumbag who make life so miserably mundane will be far easier to handle.
I just read Prozac Nation, so I'll list a few things I got from it.
There is nothing chemically wrong with Lizzy's brain, so she should theoretically have been able to get over the depression quickly and without drugs. Of course, that doesn't work for her.
She says that depression is an addiction to being depressed, especially when being depressed gets people to try to listen to her and help her. It becomes part of her personality, and she can't accept not being depressed.
She wishes that depression could have stronger symptoms or be viewed worse because she always wants help but only manages to get it when she gets really messed-up.
She always says she wants some sort of real love.
Read Prozac Nation or something similar. It will at least make you feel better.
It probably won't help, but try thinking about how much of the feeling is something that you are directly forcing on yourself.
Take Alexander lessons.
I've been experiencing depression since the beginning of 9th grade, when I started high school. Every morning I wake up feeling like complete shit, because I know I have another day of school ahead of me. I feel sick every time I get on the bus in the morning, and feel even worse when I arrive at school. When I get home it doesn't end. I usually have tons of homework and I know I have absolutely nothing to look forward to tomorrow.
The weekend isn't any better. I don't leave the house because I have nowhere to go, and no one to see. Everyone I know either lives too far away or is busy doing drugs.
I keep myself going by telling myself that one day, I'll see the light at the end of the tunnel. That one day, I'll be able to escape the cesspit that is school and pull myself out of this depression. Nothing can stop me. I will rebuild myself.
My message to anyone feeling depressed like me is don't give up. Keep fighting, and don't ever let yourself get beat.
1.If your parents are understanding, tell them that your depressed. If they're the kind who would freak out and take you to the psychologist and start shoving pills down your thought because they don't know what to do, try telling someone else, like a sibling or a friend, or maybe the leader of a club like A-Ha, or a youth group or something. The kind who won't tell your parents, are still adults, and probably know what to do. It might feel dorky or something, but they will probably help.
2. Don't use drugs to get away. Use art. Use nature. Why?
1) Art helps you vent your feelings, and connects you with a higher, peaceful realm. (Hint, if your sad, don't listen to emo music. That just makes you feel worse. Listen to Blues! I know it sounds strange, but it works for me.)
2) In the words of J.K. Rowling: “The sun was coming up: The pure, colorless vastness of the sky stretched over him, indifferent to his suffering.” In other words, the birds and the trees and the water will always be there, as beautiful as they have always been. It shows you that your problems really aren't that bad, and that there is a whole kingdom in every inch of land, full of life.
James Baxter
Contrary to what many people believe, depression is not an illness. It is simply a mood that stems from an unfulfilled longing for something we cannot have or do. It is a natural and healthy response to an inability to cope with circumstances is, although we usually have difficulty seeing it that way at the time, particularly if we are unaware of the underlying causes.
So long as the real causes remain concealed, the longing persists and the mood is likely to intensify and promise nothing other than endless despair. At that point it is likely to be described as 'depressive illness' or, in medical terminology, 'clinical depression'. This involves specific disorders, such as frequent, irritable behaviour; loss of appetite; significant changes in body weight; disturbed sleep patterns; trembling; loss of physical and/or mental energy; a diminished ability to think or concentrate; irrational and debilitating attacks of panic; constant anxiety; a sense of isolation verging on paranoia; unjustified feelings of worthlessness — perhaps culminating in thoughts of suicide. The actual extent to which these disturbances warrant the term illness is left to the personal judgement of the doctor.
There is then a risk that the primary cause will be attributed to a somatic change of some kind, despite there being no biological evidence for such a hypothesis. Hence, attempts to 'cure' it by methods unrelated to the real causes provide little more than short-term relief.
So, when we are depressed, can we avoid becoming clinically depressed? Many people try to avoid it by taking 'positive' action, such as work, hobbies, sport, social activities; or perhaps shopping, travel, food and mood-altering drugs, legal, proscribed, or perhaps prescribed. These undoubtedly 'take one's mind off' the immediate problem and, if the mood is mild enough, it will probably go away of its own accord. If it does not, such activities are likely, in the same way as medical treatments, to aggravate the mood by helping to conceal the real causes.
Having frequently been depressed myself, sometimes to the point of feeling I am trapped in a total void and unable to do anything about it, I have concluded that efforts to lift the mood are in fact counter-productive. Instead. I try to stay as calm as possible and let the mood run its course. Like all animals, we have an in-built tendency to revert to health and emotional equilibrium whenever the circumstances are favourable. In relation to physical health, we call this homoeostasis or the vis medicatrix naturae. Thus, the more we panic and try to rid ourselves of what is undeniably a very distressing state, the more we exhaust the store of emotional energy that could otherwise help provide relief. Like any mood, depression can neither be induced nor dispersed at will. But if it is properly managed, we need do little more than wait for it to pass — as moods do sooner or later. The 'time out' that depression encourages is an opportunity for us to take stock of our situation.
Meanwhile, we can remind ourselves that a half-empty glass is also a half-full one, and that the mood is likely to pass, because it always has before. Although the argument is irrational, and hardly convincing when there is not even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, it is no less rational than the belief that the mood will never pass.
Although the true causes of depressed moods are seldom immediately obvious, I guess that they occur mostly when we have dangerously overloaded our capacity to cope; and that they stem from an undetected need to slow down and do just enough to ensure we remain physically healthy, so that we can at least stop the overload increasing. Perhaps the mood is an unconscious attempt to tell ourselves something we do not want to hear, providing an opportunity to learn more about ourselves, and alerting us to the risk of clinical depression.
Simply by 'putting one foot in front of the other' and concentrating our entire attention on the immediate task, sufficient energy eventually comes, apparently from nowhere, unless there is something that prevents it. Thus, the downward spiral is arrested, and nature gets a chance to effect its cure.
BY Albanian
Well my life sucks either my parents are divorced and my father suffers from schizophrenia my mom lives in Switzerland I se her tis January but i cannot see her whenever I like and I live with my grandparents.My grandparents are so annoying the want me to be the Super Student and have all A marks but I simply cant do that because I want freedom not only keep my head over a book.Thats why i often get depressed and cannot live I do not know what to do maybe things will change but i think everything is getting worse,
Suggestions If You Are Feeling Suicidal - Good list of ideas that might help, as well as a support group. Also tons of interesting information about depression in general. Great site run by a great person.
Life sucks, then you die - If you don’t see the point in living, then you’re missing the point of life entirely. The point of life is to enjoy it
Depression - Is Depression a Healthy reaction to a Sick Society?
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Posted in: Knowledgebase on May 30, 2023 @ 7:01 PM
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