An opinion from a Newsvine article By TheF###Princess Unschooling can be a very controversial topic to discuss. But as with all topics, if you are unfamiliar with the subject, it needs to be explained. In short, unschooling is child-led homeschooling. But this deffenition does not always explain enough, though. Grown unschool blogger Idzie Desmariais describes […]
Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.
Some Misconceptions About Unschooling
More families are deciding that school's out - forever
Kate Hammer From Saturday's Globe and Mail It may sound flaky, but the ‘unschooling’ movement's ideas are going mainstream as parents are increasingly opting to keep their kids out of class. It has been Saturday in the Laricchia household for nearly a decade. The family's three teenagers, Michael, Lissy and Joseph, have known nothing of […]
Unschooling gets a lot of publicity on Good Morning America
I just read this on Idzie's blog: If you're an unschooler, or a homeschooler, or interested in alternative learning, and are even *slightly* involved in any of those communities online, you've most likely heard about the Good Morning America segment on unschooling. Unschooling has been moving steadily into the mainstream awareness in the last few […]
Productivity Slaves
by Cassi Clausen My son is now 9 months old. His days consist of waking up, eating, playing, napping, playing more, eating more, bath and bedtime. He’s not being very productive, is he? Well, at least that’s how many would react if he were, say, 9 years old. And, to be honest, I sometimes feel […]
Court Upholds State-Sponsored Kidnapping of Homeschooled Boy
As most people count their blessings and prepare to enjoy Christmas with family, many others face serious struggles. Among these is the Swedish family of Annie and Christer Johansson whose only child, 7-year-old Dominic Johansson, was “kidnapped” by Swedish authorities in June of this year as the family was on a plane leaving the country […]
Youth Rights Resolutions for the New Decade
by Laurie A. Couture With every decade that passes, new legal and civil rights have been fought for and won for every group of adults in Westernized cultures. The fight continues around the globe in order to share those legal protections with oppressed populations in other cultures. With each passing decade, there have been landmark […]
Against Homeschooling - Why Unschooling is Better
Homeschooling is generally much better than public schools, and homeschoolers generally do better in college and universities than their public-schooled counterparts. But what does that mean? Is it that homeschooling is better than public schooling, or does it just mean that homeschooling is LESS BAD than public schooling? In public schools, you go there every […]
Alternative Education in Germany
I've added more info to the Alternative Education in Germany page on the wiki. Most of it was taken and auto-translated from the German Wikipedia using Google Translate - so some of the English isn't very good. I don't really have time to fix that, so I just left it as-is. I'm going to do […]
"Why Don't Students Like School?" Well, Duhhhh…
By Peter Gray Someone recently referred me to a book that they thought I'd like. It's a 2009 book, aimed toward teachers of grades K through 12, titled Why Don't Students Like School? It's by a cognitive scientist named Daniel T. Willingham, and it has received rave reviews by countless people involved in the school […]
University without high school
This alternative-education advice (including how to get parents onside) is aimed at teens “Choosing to leave [high] school is an entrepreneurial move, not a cop-out” is the message of a new book aimed at teens, College Without High School. The author, Blake Boles, the co-founder of Unschool Adventures, writes, “Life is not a pyramid with […]
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