School Survival

Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.

High School Principal Upset Over Facebook Parody, Has Student Arrested at School

Title: San Francisco News, The Snitch
Date: May 10, 2011
Category: Student Rights

Here's a bizarre story from the far-flung corners of Fresno County. A Clovis West High School principal got more than upset -- he...

Invading the privacy of young people makes them less safe

Point/counterpoint: Alex Koroknay-Palicz on parental surveillance Privacy is not a luxury. Nor is it a threat to safety. Ten years ago America was attacked in a shockingly brutal and violent way. Thousands of innocent people died and millions more feared for their safety. Pledging to protect us from terrorists, the government passed the Patriot Act, […]

Why we don't punish our son. Ever.

No time-outs, no yelling, no spanking, no taking away toys. When contributor Jillian Lauren's son acts up, she treats him with 'empathy and respect.' How does it work?

By Jillian Lauren, TODAY Moms contributor

My husband and I have tattoos from our toenails to our eyeballs. We still sleep in...

Why 16 Year-Old Alec Loorz Is Suing the Government

Youth climate activists in all 50 states and the District of Columbia announced today that they're suing the government in order to create an "atmospheric trust," arguing that public trust law should protect the atmosphere for people and future generations. You can read more about the lawsuit on...

Civil rights suit filed on behalf of 10-year-old, arrested following school fight

NEW YORK - A federal civil rights lawsuit was filed Friday, on behalf of a Bronx girl, Sofia Bautista, 10, who was arrested by the NYPD last April.

Following a fight Sofia had with another girl in her third grade class, in which nobody was injured, the police were called. The officers ...

Age bias case: Is 13 too young for community college?

Anastasia Megan, a 13-year-old Florida girl who has nearly completed her high-school curriculum via homeschooling, tried to take dual-enrollment courses at Lake-Sumter Community College last year. She was denied entry, however, by administrators who thought she was not ready to sit alongside older...

Mississippi Student Hospitalized after Paddling

INDEPENDENCE, Miss. - A 14-year old Mississippi high school student was rushed to LeBonheur Children's Hospital for surgery Friday after he blacked out following a school paddling Thursday.

In Brief:
-Student's mother gave permission for school to administer corporal punishment
-A few minutes...

Police officers detain teen without reason and conduct unreasonable search

Two Saskatoon police officers committed "serious" violations of a teenager's charter rights when they detained him without reason and then, because of "spidey sense," invaded his privacy with an unreasonable search, a judge said Tuesday.

The search revealed homemade brass knuckles but Judge...

Inventions by Kids

Most kids are creative -- they color and make up games -- but some kids use their creativity to invent new products.

"Kids are natural innovators," said Jon Dudas, who used to work for the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office but is now the president of FIRST, an organization designed to help foster...

What World of Warcraft taught me about Education

by Don Elwell, Ph.D. Director, Greylight Theatre This article was prompted by three significant experiences: ones that have really rewritten how I feel as an educator about what we’re doing. The first, as he title suggests, was getting sucked into playing World of Warcraft online. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an inveterate nerd, and did the […]

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