School Survival

Has school destroyed your creativity and self-confidence? I'm working on a book called Recovering From School, to help you heal the damage caused. Join the Patreon or Newsletter to be notified about updates. Paid Patreon members will get early draft previews, as well as a free digital copy when it's done.

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Ways School is Like Prison

Understanding the Parallels and Seeking Alternatives

Hey there, fellow school-hater. If you're reading this, chances are you've felt like you're trapped in a system that suffocates your spirit and suppresses your individuality. Well, I'm here to tell you that you're not alone. In fact, there's a whole community of us who understand exactly what you're going through.

Let's talk about what John Taylor Gatto, an educator and author, said about the true purpose of schools. According to him, schools are not designed to empower students or foster critical thinking. Instead, they serve as institutions of social control, training young minds to fit into a predetermined mold and comply with authority without question. In essence, schools are factories churning out obedient workers, not free thinkers.

Differences and Similarities Between School and Prison

Aspect School Prison
Structure Rigid schedule and curriculum Rigid daily routine and regulations
Security Surveillance cameras, security guards Guard towers, security personnel
Punishment Detention, suspension, expulsion Isolation, solitary confinement
Voluntariness Attendance is mandatory for most young people Entrance is based on conviction of a crime
Objective To train and socialize students to fit in society To punish and rehabilitate offenders

Now, let's delve into why schools are akin to prisons. Just like prisons, schools have a rigid structure that dictates every aspect of your day. From the moment you step through those doors until the bell rings, your time is not your own. You're herded from one class to another, with little opportunity to explore your interests or passions. The difference is that you get to go home every day.

Security is another striking similarity. Schools are equipped with surveillance cameras, metal detectors, and even security guards, creating an atmosphere of distrust and paranoia. Instead of feeling safe and supported, students often feel like they're under constant surveillance, as if any misstep could land them in trouble.

And let's not forget about punishment. In both schools and prisons, disobedience is met with harsh consequences. Whether it's detention, or suspension, the message is clear: step out of line, and you'll be punished. This fear of punishment stifles creativity and innovation, forcing students to conform to the status quo.

But here's the thing: unlike prison, where you have to be found guilty of a crime to be sent there, going to school is not a choice. From the moment we're old enough to walk, we're told that school is mandatory, that it's the only path to success. But what if I told you that there are alternatives?

Your feelings are valid, my friend. There's nothing wrong with you for hating school. In fact, your disdain for the system is a sign of your intelligence and independent thinking. You deserve to be heard and understood, not dismissed as a troublemaker or a failure.

So, what are the alternatives? One option is self-directed education, where you have the freedom to pursue your interests and learn at your own pace. Another option is online school, which offers flexibility and customization without the rigid structure of traditional schools.

Whatever path you choose, remember this: you are not alone in your struggle against the oppressive forces of the education system. Together, we can challenge the status quo and create a world where learning is a joyful, empowering experience, not a soul-crushing obligation. Stay strong, my friend. Better days are ahead.

Where to next? Pick one!

Posted in: Blog on February 9, 2024 @ 12:22 AM

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